National Disability Insurance Scheme
Navigating the NDIS
What is the NDIS?
The NDIS provides Australians under the age of 65, who experience permanent or significant disabilities, with funding to access necessary support in order to assist them to continue to live as independently as they choose.
Who is eligible for the NDIS?
Individuals from age 7 – 65 are eligible for NDIS, providing they:
- live in Australia and are an Australian citizen or have Permanent Residency or Special Category Visa status.
- Are living with a disability that affects their ability to perform everyday activities and require regular support, assistance or care from another person due to their significant impairment or permanent disability.
How do I apply for the NDIS?
Submit an Access Request form with the NDIS
You can make an access request for you or your loved one by contacting NDIS either over the phone on 1800 800 110, or by visiting
It is important you provide the NDIA all information relevant to your impairment or disability, including medical history and any reports you may have.
Preparing for your NDIS plan meeting
When preparing for your first meeting, we recommend documenting your normal daily routine, current care requirements and informal supports, interests and hobbies, potential challenges or concerns and any formal supports currently in place and advise how you wish to manage your NDIS plan (self-managed, plan managed or NDIA managed).
NDIS Plan Meeting
You will be required to meet with a NDIA planner. Their role is to determine what supports will best assist them in achieving their goals.
Your goals are things that you want to achieve with the support of the NDIS, such as; skill building, obtaining employment, attending more social activities or building relationships. This information will allow them to build a plan specifically for you and your needs.
Reviewing your NDIS Plan
After your plan has been approved by the NDIA, you will receive your plan either in person or in the mail. It is important you, or your support coordinator (if you have one), review your plan and ensure it sufficiently accommodates your support needs.
If your plan meets your needs, forward your plan to your preferred service provider, however, if you are unhappy with your plan, you have the right to ask for a plan review.
Organise your supports
It’s now time to organise your supports! It is important you organise you choose a provider that you are comfortable with and will be able to meet your needs.
At Ability Hub, we have extensive experience in delivering high quality core supports, including support coordination to NDIS participants of all ages. Find out more about our services here.